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When Jesus Calls Your Name: A Life-Altering Encounter

The full video of this teaching is available at the bottom of this post and at this link.

When you hear Jesus call your name, it's not just exciting; it's an invitation to a life-altering encounter that can chart the course for the rest of your journey.


The first person to hear Jesus' voice after his resurrection was a woman whose story remains somewhat unfamiliar. We know that Jesus had performed a profound act of healing in her life, liberating her from the torment of seven demons. In gratitude for this miraculous transformation, she became a devoted follower of Jesus and even financially supported His ministry. Moreover, while He was being crucified, Mary stood at the foot of the cross, a witness to the touching exchange between Jesus, His mother, and the apostle John. Her unwavering presence continued as she accompanied the Lord's lifeless body to the tomb, which was lovingly wrapped and laid to rest.

Early that Sunday morning, Mary returned to Jesus' burial place, accompanied by a group of devout women. Their purpose was to tenderly anoint Jesus' body, following Jewish burial customs, with the fragrant spices they had brought. However, a startling sight awaited them as they arrived at the grave. The enormous stone that had sealed the tomb's entrance had been mysteriously rolled away. Struck by this astonishing turn of events, Mary hurriedly retraced her steps to inform Peter and John. Upon their swift return to the tomb, their eyes confirmed the startling truth: it was empty, and Jesus' body was nowhere to be found.

The disciples, their hearts heavy with the mystery of the empty tomb, returned to their homes, seeking comfort in the familiarity of their surroundings. Yet, Mary, consumed by grief, could not leave the sacred ground. She lingered at the tomb, tears streaming down her face, her sobs echoing through the stillness of the morning.

In the middle of her anguish, two angels appeared to Mary, their presence comforting. With eyes blurred by tears and a heart weighed down by sorrow, she turned to see Jesus standing nearby. The veil of grief that clouded her perception prevented her from recognizing Him. Even as Jesus tenderly addressed her, His voice filled with compassion, Mary remained oblivious to His identity. In her grief-stricken state, the familiarity of His voice eluded her.

We shouldn't be all that surprised that Mary didn't recognize Jesus. This lack of recognition aligns with a broader theme in Scripture – that even the disciples struggled to grasp the full significance of the resurrection. So, it's safe to assume that Mary wasn't contemplating the possibility of Jesus rising from the dead at that moment.

But then, in a moment that would forever alter the course of her life, Jesus uttered her name - "Mary." With the utterance of that single word, the world shifted on its axis. Mary's eyes widened in recognition, her heart surged with overwhelming emotion, and she reached out to Him instinctively. In that transformative instant when Jesus called her name, the fabric of Mary's existence was rewoven, and her life was forever changed.

Remember, Mary had stood at the foot of the cross just three days prior. She witnessed the agonizing moments as Jesus breathed His last breath, heard the chilling sound of the soldier's spear piercing His side, and felt the weight of His lifeless body being tenderly lowered from the cross. Her heart was heavy as she saw Jesus' dead form wrapped in linen cloth saturated with fragrant spices. There was no room for doubt in Mary's mind. Jesus had suffered a physical death. His body had been placed in the tomb, and a massive stone sealed it.

So when Jesus called her name, there was only one undeniable truth for Mary – Jesus had risen from the dead! John 20 unequivocally affirms that this was not the voice of a ghost. Mary's response was visceral; she clung to Jesus with such fervor that He gently bid her to release him.


It's fascinating that when Jesus triumphed over death and rose from the grave, the first name he called was that of an ordinary woman. If we had been in Jesus’ situation, our inclination might have been to call out the powerful and influential figures of the time – the Caiaphases, Pilates, or Herods. Yet, Jesus made a deliberate choice.

His decision to first call the name of Mary Magdalene speaks volumes about His message. He emphasized that everyone possesses immeasurable worth, regardless of fame, background, or gender. Mary, an ordinary person by the world's standards, held immense significance in the eyes of Jesus because she, like every one of us, was created to share in fellowship with Him. He valued her witness regardless of societal norms or expectations.


Mary Magdalene's relationship with Jesus was not diminished by His resurrection but was transformed. Jesus instructed her to let go, signaling that their connection would no longer be confined to physical presence. Instead, Mary would enter into something more profound – a permanent relationship with Jesus and the Father.

When Jesus called Mary’s name, she had several options:

Ignore Jesus: At first, Mary mistook Him for the gardener. She could have dismissed His call, continuing her day, oblivious to the moment's significance.

Doubt Jesus: Mary could have doubted her senses. She might have thought, "Jesus is dead. Could this truly be Him? Resurrection seems impossible." Doubt could have held her back.

Reject Jesus: Even if she believed it was Jesus, Mary could have rejected what His return meant for her life. She might have chosen to carry on without His influence, continuing along the same path.

But Mary chose to embrace Jesus. She decided to accept the truth of His resurrection and to allow His presence to transform her life. This choice led to a powerful encounter that changed the course of history.

Mary's story reminds us of the transformative power of hearing Jesus call our name. Her life was once plagued by the torment of seven demons, symbolizing her suffering and brokenness. Yet, through her encounter with Christ, she experienced a remarkable liberation that revealed the extent of God's grace. Mary's journey reassures us that no one, regardless of their past sins or struggles, is beyond the reach of God's redeeming love. Her story resonates with the hope that even in our darkest moments, there is the possibility of a new start, a new chapter, and a transformed life through responding to Jesus when he calls our name.

I love that we are reminded that our past does not define our future. Her unwavering devotion to Christ after experiencing His healing touch inspires us to seek redemption and dedicate our lives to Him. She encourages us to tell of our life with Jesus, offering hope and the possibility of a new start to others who may feel trapped in despair or brokenness. In Mary’s story, we discover forgiveness and the potential for a purposeful and devoted life filled with His love and grace.


As you read this biblical teaching and ponder its message, I want you to know that God is calling your name. It might not be audible, but His voice speaks to your heart through these words. Let me share what you might experience as you respond to His call.

Are you overwhelmed by life’s challenges? Much like Mary, she knows what it's like to carry burdens. Mary's story offers hope that Christ calls our names even in our most challenging moments.

Are you a skeptic? You may be an analytical thinker who questions everything. Just like Mary initially doubted the resurrection, you might find assurance in Mary's journey from doubt to belief, realizing that even skeptics have transformative encounters with Christ.

Are you currently addicted or broken in some way? Mary's liberation from demons can inspire you, showing that Christ offers freedom from the darkest struggles and calls individuals to a new, transformed life.

Are you a philosophically lost student searching for meaning in a chaotic world? Mary's journey from confusion about Jesus’ death to recognizing Him as the resurrected Christ can resonate with you, showing that even in this confusing stage of life, God calling your name can bring clarity.

Today, you may feel a gentle stirring within you—a subtle yet undeniable sense that something extraordinary is happening. It's as though a long-dormant ember within your soul has been rekindled. You might find yourself reevaluating your life, your choices, and your purpose.

You might begin to recognize that, just like Mary, you've stood at the foot of your own "cross," witnessing moments of pain, loss, and uncertainty. You, too, could have felt the weight of life's burdens and wondered where hope could be found.

As you read the story of Mary’s encounters with Jesus, you might sense a profound shift within yourself. It's as though a veil of doubt and despair is lifting, allowing you to see the possibility of a new beginning. You may feel a growing awareness that Jesus is not a distant figure but a living, present reality in your life.

Do you hear Jesus calling your name? It may not be audible, but you'll know it deep within your heart. You, like Mary Magdalene, have several choices. You can ignore, doubt, reject, or embrace Jesus as He calls your name!

I encourage you to embrace His call. You may experience a flood of emotions: recognition, joy, and an overwhelming sense of His love. It's a moment when the pieces of your life's puzzle seem to fall into place, and you realize that your existence has a purpose and a direction.

As you respond to His call, you may find yourself drawn to prayer, seeking His guidance, and spending time in His Word. Your faith will strengthen, and you'll begin to see the world through a new lens—a lens of hope, love, and purpose.

You'll face challenges and uncertainties in the days, weeks, and years to come. But you'll also experience the comforting presence of Jesus, guiding you through life's twists and turns. Your relationship with Him will deepen, and you'll find the strength to overcome obstacles.

So, dear friend, as you read these words, know that God is calling your name. He is inviting you into a life-altering encounter, a journey of faith, and a relationship that will chart the course for the rest of your days. Embrace His call, for nothing will ever be the same when you do.

This prayer can guide you in the decision you are making today.

I come before You, acknowledging that I am a sinner needing Your forgiveness and grace. I've heard the call of Your Son, Jesus, and I understand that His resurrection offers the hope of new life and transformation.

I confess my sins before You, and I am truly sorry for how I have fallen short of Your holiness. I ask for Your forgiveness and cleansing, knowing that Your love and mercy are greater than my mistakes and sin of disbelief.

Today, I choose to embrace Jesus, just as Mary did when He called her name. I believe in the reality of His resurrection and the promise of a personal relationship with You through Him. I accept the gift of salvation that You offer.

Please come into my life, Lord Jesus. Be my Savior and my Guide. Help me to walk in Your ways and to follow You faithfully. I surrender my life to You and trust that You will chart the course for the rest of my journey.

Thank You for Your love, Your grace, and the new life You offer. In Jesus' name, I pray.


Friend, you'll discover that this encounter with Jesus is not meant to be kept to yourself. Just as Mary couldn't contain her joy, you'll feel compelled to share your newfound faith with others. Would you tell me? Open your phone and text “Alive” to 33777. You will receive an immediate response from me and Newstart’s pastoral team. We want to send you a free book to guide you on your new faith journey in Jesus!

©2023 Greg McNichols, All rights reserved.

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